Our Never Alone programme is designed to provide support for loneliness and other emotional and practical needs plus promote general wellbeing. We have recommendations to local groups who may be able to help you. Finding the right one that meets your needs or interests can be very fulfilling and truly boost your mood.

If you have a local group you would like to add to the listing below, please submit your details via the Google form here.


Friendly, welcoming social groups can be relaxed and informal and offer the chance to chat and build new friendships.

We recommend local social groups and clubs for women and men which provide entertainment, conversation and a range of social activities.

Brighton and Hove Social Club

We are a friendly over 55's club that meets at least twice a week - mostly in the Brighton, Hove, Portslade and Shoreham area. New members are always welcome.

We arrange lots of different activities including eating out, pub evenings, cinema, theatre, coffee mornings, walks, pub quizzes, trips out, BBQ's, game nights, badminton and much more. There is an annual subscription of £10 a year.

50+ Tea, Chat and Friendship

The Hangleton & Knoll Project 50+ provides free and low-cost in-person and online groups and activities available for people aged 50 and over. The Tea, Chat and Friendship group is open to all in the area, with activities designed to support and meet the needs of individuals from ethnically and culturally diverse backgrounds and communities.

The group meets monthly on Mondays, 2.30-4.30pm. It is free but advance booking is essential.

Tea and Company

Every Wednesday in term time, from 3pm to 5pm, St Mary's Church hosts a free friendship café for people who want to get out and smile a bit more. Everyone is welcome.

Arts & Crafts

Would you like to get stuck in with an arts project or learn a new craft?

There is so much choice when it comes to arts clubs from painting to pottery making. We can help you find the best group for you.

Crochet Group

Drop in session for people who like to crochet. Bring along your own projects, share with others and swap tips and tricks. All welcome, no need to book in, just drop in to Jubilee Library, Brighton.


Walking is a popular choice both for relaxation and fitness. If you would like to get outside a little more, it can quickly become an enjoyable activity, and there are many groups in your area who would love you to join them for beautiful country walks.

Brighton HF Rambling Club

We are a rambling and social group based in Brighton and Hove. We offer a wide range of walks throughout Sussex on Wednesday's and Sunday's. The average distance of walks is 7-9 miles. All ages are welcome. The cost of an annual membership is £8.


If you are interested in meeting fellow bookworms, there are reading groups in most towns for friendly discussions and thought-provoking debates. We can help pinpoint the perfect book group for you in your area.

Silent Book Club Brighton

Our function is simple; to gather together to silently read. There are no expectations or pressure, our group is a welcoming space and there for that bit of escapism we all need in the hustle and bustle of the city. Everyone is welcome. Silent Book Club Brighton & Hove meets every third Sunday of the month, at 1pm at The Ledward Centre in central Brighton.


Having a wide choice of groups to pick up an old hobby or start a new one can be a wonderful way to meet new people with a similar interest to you.

We recommend local groups and clubs ranging from chess, bridge, poker, bingo, knitting, to bowls.

Knitting Group

Come and learn new skills, practice the stitches you already know or brush up on those you might have forgotten. Or just come along to knit and natter. Suitable for all abilities and everyone is welcome.

Every Tuesday at 10am to midday at Jubilee Library, Brighton.

The Writer's Space

A 2-hour writing retreat in partnership with Brighton & Hove Libraries. The session provides a quiet space to write and think alongside other writers and those who want to try their hand at it.

Music & Theatre

Would you like to join an amateur dramatics group or a choir?

Exploring music can be good for the soul. You can join music appreciation classes or join the church choir. Dancing is also a wonderful way to meet new people and have fun.

Free Brighton Choir

The Free Brighton Choir is a volunteer-run singing group, held at Brighton Youth Centre, 6-7pm every Thursday. It is completely free to attend.

Never Alone can help you find the advice and support you need