Supporting you and your mental health

As a family company with decades of experience, we can help you to find the right support as part of our Never Alone programme. Never Alone is open to all and can help you get the emotional, social, or practical support you need. We also run a number of our own community initiatives, including coffee mornings, knit and natter and inter-generational meet-ups in the local communities in which we serve. We hope that by supporting families in our areas we can help reduce loneliness and encourage greater mental health benefits.

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How Never Alone can help you

Our Never Alone programme offers recommendations, groups and resources that are local to you. You could join an arts and crafts group to bring some creativity to your life. You could find a coffee morning to meet new people in a similar situation. To learn about mindfulness, we recommend finding a therapist in your area or talking to a GP to find a mindfulness course near you.

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What are the benefits of mindfulness?

Mindfulness can help all of us in many ways. Here are just some of the many benefits that we might gain from learning to be more mindful:

Want to find mindfulness groups or courses in your area?

Let us help you get started with finding the right group for you.

  • Lower stress
  • Decreased depression
  • Improved memory
  • Stronger relationships
  • A greater sense of wellbeing