News - 13/08/2020

We support the CMA Provisional Report, published on the 13th August, 2020

Because Every Life Is Unique

As a 10th generation family-owned and managed business we understand as well as any the trust placed in us as Funeral Directors and our responsibility to care for bereaved and deceased people to the best of our ability.

C.P.J Field welcomes the publishing of the long-awaited Competition & Markets Authority report (published on 13th August 2020), which calls for transparency within the Funerals Directors sector, reviewing and reporting on price and other areas of care within the industry.

As a business we pride ourselves on servicing communities and individuals with the best care. It’s distressing to learn that the report has found evidence of poor standards within some areas of the sector given the trust placed by grieving families when making the funeral arrangements of loved ones.

While there are some areas of the preliminary decision that we will be seeking further clarification on we're disappointed that the CMA did not make any reference to the key role Funerals Directors have played in the pandemic. In response to COVID-19 funeral homes have made a significant contribution as not only key workers but in continuing to care for deceased and bereaved communities during these unprecedented times, which went unrecognised by the reports' findings.

As a business, we will continue to work closely with the NAFD (National Association of Funeral Directors), and all relevant stakeholders to ensure any changes are implemented with the best interests of the families and communities we serve. We would welcome the introduction of an independent regulator and register for Funeral Directors in England, similar to that already in place in Scotland.

To read the full report visit